Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chubby Checker

Chubby Checker is the stage name of Ernest Evans (born October 3, 1941), an American singer best known for popularizing the dance The Twist with his 1960 song "The Twist".
He was born in Spring Gulley, South Carolina, and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended South Philadelphia High School with Frankie Avalon and Fabian. The wife of American Bandstand's host Dick Clark suggested the name "Chubby Checker" to Evans as a take-off on then-popular singer Fats Domino. "The Twist" (which had previously been a minor rhythm and blues hit for its author, Hank Ballard) was so popular that his public often did not allow him to sing any other style of music. He did popularize many dance songs. Checker later lamented: ...in a way, "The Twist" really ruined my life. I was on my way to becoming a big nightclub performer, and "The Twist" just wiped it out. It got so out of proportion. No one ever believes I have talent. He is the only recording artist to have five albums in the Top 12 all at once. He is hailed by many to have changed the way we dance to the beat of music since 1959. Despite his negative view towards his biggest hit single, in the 1980s it granted him a new lease of fame when he recorded a new version of "The Twist" (released in 1987) with rap trio The Fat Boys. Ironically, the lyrics to this new version implied he was pleased of his association with it. Cashing in once again on the song that made him a star, Checker sang it in a commercial for Oreo cookies in the early-1990s. He then opened his own restaurant, which he continues to run, as well as singing on a regular basis. It is hard to explain to anyone who did not grow-up in the 50s the impact "The Twist" had on the American public. The dance had massive appeal, crossed racial lines and had people of all ages trying to do it. It was the last dance I can ever remember my mother doing with me. She learned it quickly and did it like a pro. I was such a proud little boy! Find out more about the dance and the artist at: http://chubbychecker.com/

Research info provided by: www.wikipedia.org

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